Friday, April 12, 2013

New Smiley Rewards!

The students picked out new smiley rewards.  Some of them are pretty funny!  I have made notes by them to fill you in a little more about what the day is.  Also, I need a few parents who would be willing to send in donuts on our donut day.  I would let you know the night before and you could send them in with your child.  If you are interested in helping out with this, please let me know and I will put you on a list of parents I can contact.  Also, we are looking for parents who would be willing to send in a box of microwave popcorn for popcorn day.  I can keep them in the closet and use them when we need them.
Smiley Fun!

1.  Popcorn and Movie Day! (during rest)
2.  Stuffed Animal Day!
3.  Donut Day!
4.  Hat Day! (only in the classroom)
5.  Sock Day! (take off shoes in the room)
6.  Pajama Day!
7.  Favorite Book Day!
8.  Toy Day!
9. Recycled Art Day! (bring something from home to turn into art)

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